MicroMuseum – Sessions 12 and 13 – 3, 2, 1, Action!

Script written, we moved on to… Lights, Camera, Action!

MicroMuseum- Session 13 - Video Shoot Day

The actors practiced lines, each with their own coach, while another group designed cards and emblems for the scientists.

The disease specialist:

MicroMuseum - Session 12 Art for Cards

The environmental specialist:

MicroMuseum - Session 12 Art for Cards

MicroMuseum - Session 12 Art for Cards


The microbiome specialist:

MicroMuseum - Session 12 Art for Cards

MicroMuseum - Session 12 Art for Cards

Waiting in the wings…

MicroMuseum- Session 13 - Video Shoot Day

Acting on the set:




MicroMuseum- Session 13 - Video Shoot Day

Actors and some of the behind-the-scenes crew make the Microbes, Microbes, Everywhere sign for a virus!

MicroMuseum- Session 13 - Video Shoot Day

While the actors acted, another group swabbed different parts of the museum for our museum-ome (more on this next week!)

Check out our Extra Learning Activity for this week: an article and video on new experiments about coral that is adapting to changing water temperature.

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