MicroMuseum – Sessions 14 and 15 – Starting a Museum-ome

Here are our last few actors playing their parts!

The Environmental Specialist (P.H. Meter):
MicroMuseum - Session 14

Captain Polyp, a citizen concerned about coral bleaching:
MicroMuseum- Session 13 - Video Shoot Day

The player’s friend who will pop up if they need help:
MicroMuseum - Session 14

A few weeks ago we started learning about the home-ome, the office-ome and the subway-ome (among others). These “omes” are created when microbiologists collect and document  microbes found in a certain place.

SO…we decided to start a museum-ome! Last week, a group went all around the museum, to pre-decided and on-the-spot spots and swabbed.

This week, we got to take a look at what had grown on the plates… and there was quite a bit…especially on the plate swabbed from…the water fountain…bleck!

MicroMuseum - Session 15

Only a small percentage of the microbes that were collected can be seen on the plates. We learned about other ways that microbiologists find out what microbes might have been collected: DNA extraction,  Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and DNA Sequencing. Check out this game and see how many DNA matches you can make. One student claimed they got 155! So good luck to you… Here are some helpful simulations on PCR and Gel Electrophoresis if you want to get a handle on this material. Or you could just get all your information from watching this PCR song. Enjoy!

MicroMuseum - Session 15

This week our Extra Learning Activity is this cool illustration. Enlarge the illustration to see a few of the microbes that were found in the NYC subway system and where they were found!

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