Strategic Planning for Hunter College Campus Schools

One of my favorite projects this year just made public some of our work together, and I am excited to share it below.

If you are unfamiliar with schools in New York City, you might not know of Hunter College Campus Schools. This describes two schools that share the same building and together cover K-12. And they are some of the best in the country. Founded in 1869, they are also free to attend after an intense (to say the least) application process yet not administered by the city’s Department of Education. They serve a diverse population of NYC children who have been identified as intellectually talented.

It was an honor to get to work with this community, meeting with dozens of current students, alumni, faculty, parents, and community supporters (business leaders, elected officials, Hunter college staff, etc.). Together we developed the tag line for a series of new videos we produced: A Unique School for an Exceptional City. The videos are new tools for attracting applicants at the school’s two entry points, Elementary and High School.

Both of the videos are available below. They were developed with Phellix and Katie from Phe Studios, who are stellar partners. Working with the schools’ key stakeholders we developed scripts (taking a strong lead from the students) then spent a few amazing days filming them on campus.

I am really proud of how these videos turned out, each one welcoming potential applicants. If you take a moment to watch them I suspect you will be just as amazed as we were with this school and its students.

About Barry

Innovating solutions for learning in a digital age.
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