Search Results for: mcn

Where to catch me this week at MuseumNext and MCN

You know what they say: when it rains, it pours. I haven’t been to a conference in months – last August’s Play Make Learn Conference and, before that, MuseWeb in April. Next week, however, I am set to attend two! … Continue reading

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MCN, Culture Geek, and I’m BACK, BABY!

“Re-united, and it feels so good…” In my six years at the American Museum of Natural History I counted 40 presentations I delivered, primarily at conferences. I adore museum conferences. Sorry, I should be clear. I can’t STAND sitting still … Continue reading

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Making a Dino Dance video from MCN 2017

Last November I was in Pittsburgh at the Museums and Computer Network conference, now one of my favorite. I offered a session called Making a Dino Dance: integrating a user-centered design process into a natural history museum, a ten minute overview of … Continue reading

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Fall Conference Update – Where to Catch Me on the Road

I am gearing up for a season of conferences. Will I see you there? My book talks continue apace (for both Seltzertopia and my upcoming Matching Minds with Sondheim), but I hit a dry spell in regards to having my … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Seltzer Museum Featured Interview on Jane August’s New Podcast Series

Jane August’s new podcast, “The Next Stop Is…“, recently featured the Brooklyn Seltzer Museum. Hurrah! Have a listen below or read the full transcript. From the liner notes:New York City is full of a multitude of different neighborhoods, industries, and … Continue reading

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How I Used ClubHouse to Make Connections at an Online Conference

SEEKING CONNECTIONS I spent all week attending a conference I had heard about but never attended: MuseumNext. It is designed to “bring together a passionate community of museum leaders, makers and innovators to ask ‘what’s next for museums?’” I wanted … Continue reading

Posted in Conferences | 1 Comment

The State of Museum Education as Seen By a Pandemic Rip Van Winkle

Today the Center for the Future Of Museums Blog graciously posted a call from me to museums about Game for Change’s new Game Plan opportunity. It was edited down from a longer piece (posted below) that I wrote about my … Continue reading

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Girls Scouts of the USA, Here I Come!

I am thrilled to announce that next month I will start work in an exciting new position at the Girls Scouts of the USA (which most of us know as just the Girl Scouts). Founded in Savannah, Georgia on March … Continue reading

Posted in From My Work | 1 Comment

What We’re Learning about 360 Videos in Museums

Last November at the Museums and Computer Network conference, I was frustrated by the many times we found ourselves conflating different emerging media, as if they offered the same set of affordances. At the same time, I was amazed by … Continue reading

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360 Videos in Museums: Shot 5 – Camera as Clock at the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh

At the November Museums and Computer Network conference, I marveled at the different ways museums around the country are using 360 videos with their visitors or in their education programs. To highlights these different applications, I started this limited series … Continue reading

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